Creating the Bedz Foundation

Video posted April 25, 2017 in News by Adenike Samuel


Penn State Main Campus has been rated amongst the top “party schools” in the nation for the past four years. However, a few sophomore students believe improvement can be made to liven up the not only the party scene on campus, but the way in which the University Park campus is seen by both those who attend and prospect students.

Though diversity has been at the forefront of Penn State’s “All In” Campaign, Bundles, the multimedia specialist and one of the four founders of Bedz says the “overall community isn’t properly represented”, particularly referencing the Youtube representation of the Main Campus, but says that has only been a motivator to them.

“We were once the people in the crowd at the parties, and now we are the one’s hosting the party,” DJ Erv Gotti. He is one of the four sophomores who co-founded Bedz Entertainment.

Bedz is an acronym for Bundlez (also known as Mike Bundles), Erv (also known as Ervin Monroe, or DJ Erv Gotti), Devin (also known as Devin) and Zack. It is their goal to “spice up the party life” at University Park, Bundles said.

Bedz members do graphic design, web design, videography, cinematography, photography and stage events. According to Bundles and Monroe, this is just the beginning for them. They plan to become the “skeleton" that creates advertisements and does event planning for Penn State student organizations. 

Video: The Road to NABA’s Fashion Show

What started off as a simple “birthday pregame” hosted by a group of friends, has turned into one of the most recognized organization’s within the Penn State’s multicultural community.

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Describing last semester as “slow,” due to the turnout at their events and the number of events hosted. According to Monroe and Bundles, they went from hosting no more than “3 events last semester, to becoming the main ones hosting events this semester.” “We’ve been extremely busy this semester…. There have been many sleepless nights in the background, but no-one sees that.” Now, Bedz host more than 50% of events and parties and have been reaching capacity at if not all, most of their gatherings.

Apart from planning various events for the semester, Bedz entertainment tackled up a new challenge this year when they decided to document NABA’s 10th Annual Fashion show. NABA, known as The National Association for Black Accountants, is a multicultural organization in the Smeal College of Business. Each year, NABA puts on a fashion show where they showcase clothing by students and upcoming designers. This year's show is called "A Night at The Museum," and was funded by both sponsors and Penn State's University Park Allocation Committee.

Bedz entertainment not only documented the Behind-The-Scenes of the Fashion Show, but also took on the job of creating their promo video, fliers, Instagram trailers as well as capturing footage day of the show, which they plan to later put on their Youtube channel.


Tagged in:

bedz , dj , music