Two Guys, One Dream

Video posted April 29, 2016 in Sports by Cadeja Goodridge


Penn State seniors Christopher Gamble and Derrick Dixon are trying to talk their way to the top. 

Q2hyaXN0b3BoZXIgR2FtYmxlIGFuZCBEZXJyaWNrIERpeG9uIGtlZXAgdGhlaXIgc2hvdyBmcmVzaCBieSBnZXR0aW5nIHN0b3J5IGlkZWFzIGZyb20gcHVzaCBub3RpZmljYXRpb25zIGZyb20gSW5zdGFncmFtIGFuZCBUd2l0dGVyChristopher Gamble and Derrick Dixon keep their show fresh by getting story ideas from push notifications from Instagram and Twitter. Photo by Cadeja Goodridge

With common interests in sports and entertainment the two have paired up to create a radio show through ComMedia called Real Talk. During their 30-minute show they discuss the latest gossip from social media and television.

Gamble is from Philadelphia and Dixon is from Queens, N.Y. They say that their urban language and background appeal to the audience they are trying to reach. 

On air they see themselves as the opinionated goof balls who are always the life of the party.

They say they prefer the freedom of radio broadcasting over the structure of television. 

They both hope to land jobs at ESPN post graduation.