Girl Power: The Culture of Empowering Women in Estonia

Story/Video posted April 24, 2023 in International Reporting In Estonia by Centre County Report, Hannah Markovich.

Estonians were inspired when Kaja Kallas was elected as the country's first woman Prime Minister in 2021. This empowerment movement influenced young women to take on more leadership positions in government and technology roles. The "HK Unicorn Squad" is a non-profit created to teach technology skills and applications, with one specific requirement - only girls are allowed. Hannah Markovich reports.

About the Contributors

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Hannah Markovich

Freshman / Broadcast Journalism

Hannah Markovich is a freshman within the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. She is a part of CommRadio and 46Live. Hannah is a well-ordered, productive student who is committed to providing her peers with upmost kindness and respect, having a positive attitude throughout life and becoming the most determined student she can possibly be. She strives to become a distinguished broadcast journalist who will bring new, creative ideas to the business that will keep media alive and interesting. She would love to eventually pursue her goal of becoming a main anchor on the Good Morning America broadcast one day.  Her email is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).