Centre News Digest for March 24, 2021

Story posted March 24, 2021 in Centre News Digest by Emily Treacy.

Good afternoon, Centre County! Today’s news is brought to you by Kennedy Kollar! As always, if you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, don’t hesitate to reach out! Be sure to check us out on Twitter and Instagram.


Identify a driver involved in a hit-and-run.


U1dSbGJuUnBabmtnWVNCa2NtbDJaWElnYVc1MmIyeDJaV1FnYVc0Z1lTQm9hWFF0WVc1a0xTQnlkVzQ9State College police are asking for your help to identify a driver involved in a hit-and-run. The driver struck a pedestrian on the crosswalk of the West College Avenue and Atherton intersection. Watch the story below to see the car police are seeking to identify. Written by Kelsey Rogers for wearecentralpa.com.

Police search for suspect in State College hit-and-run







Anti-Asian racism has increased drastically


UVc1MGFTMGdZWE5wWVc0Z2NtRmphWE50SUdsdVkzSmxZWE5sWkNCa2NtRnpkR2xqWVd4c2VRbz0=Anti-Asian racism has increased drastically since 2019. Penn State Professor, Margaret Hu, wants everyone to know that the Centre County Asian American community is struggling, too. Written by Josh Moyer for Centredaily.com

Centre County’s Asian American community not ‘OK’ as hate crimes rise, racism stoked around U.S






The UEC College 9 movie theater will be reopening


VkdobElIVmxZeUJqYjJ4c1pXZGxJRzF2ZG1sbElIUm9aV0YwY21VZ2NtVnZjR1Z1YVc1bg==The UEC College 9 movie theater will be reopening this Friday for the first time since shutting down in December. They will be reopening with COVID-19 restrictions such as limited capacity, required mask-wearing and social distancing. Story by Geoff Rushton for statecollege.com

College 9 Movie Theater Set to Reopen.






One person was injured in an accident on Route 322


VDI1bElIQmxjbk52YmlCcGJtcDFjbVZrSUc5dUlISnZkWFJsSURNeU1nPT0=One person was injured in an accident on Route 322 that involved a passenger car and a gasoline tanker truck. The driver of the car was treated for minor injuries and the driver of the truck did not have any injuries besides a seatbelt mark. Written by wjactv.com

PSP: 1 injured in crash involving tanker truck along Route 322.






Red Cross has learned to adapt to helping people during COVID-19


VW1Wa0lHTnliM056SUdobGJIQnBibWNnY0dWdmNHeGxJR1IxY21sdVp5QmpiM1pwWkMweE9RPT0=Even though much of the world stopped when the pandemic began, disasters didn’t. Red Cross has learned to adapt to helping people during COVID-19. Read about how Red Cross helped the mid-central region of Pennsylvania during the pandemic. Story by northcentralpa.com

How the Mid Central Pennsylvania Red Cross adapted to pandemic life