Mike Posner - A Real Good Kid Album Review

Story posted January 28, 2019 in Arts & Entertainment by Jack Grossman.

Mike Posner has had quite an overwhelming two years. In the midst of both his father and his fellow musician and friend, Avicii, passing away, as well as a tough fallout from a previous relationship, recording the album was a very difficult process. Regardless, A Real Good Kid articulates exactly what Posner felt during the period of recording, dealing with themes of loss, acceptance and reconnecting back to the present to experience it all over again. This album is much more than the hits that Posner has put out before, and it's because of this layered and thoughtful album that suddenly makes the artist one to watch out for.

Hailing from a background of releasing mostly hits, Posner attempts this time around to make a piece that is insightful and worthwhile. Beginning immediately from the first track, “January 11th, 2017,” the listener is taken into Posner’s first bout of grief. Discussing the day that his father passed, the listener can quickly be taken aback and even intrigued by Posner’s thoughts, following exactly what he’s thinking. Combined with the melancholic use of vocals and tone, “January 11th” is an excellent opening track, and provides a firsthand look at the themes continued throughout the album. One of the other more notable tracks is its closing one, “How It’s Supposed to Be.” This track is almost the pure opposite of its opening counterpart, with a more uplifting and energetic tone. The lyrics consist of Posner having accepted the circumstances of what has happened, and starting to head on a new path forward. With this new revelation, Posner leaves the listener with a new way of thinking; the idea that everything is exactly how it is supposed to be, and that we too can grow and move from whatever hardships we might face. These two tracks are the bookends of Posner’s auditorial realizations, as well as the pieces to his greater message.

The album itself is a bit of a short one, clocking in at around 36 minutes total. While it’s become conventional to produce shorter albums, the fact that this piece was on the shorter end is a tad disappointing. Granted Posner’s mental state during the production of the album was not necessarily the best, the listener can still be felt clamoring for a bit more of the album.

Posner isn’t necessarily remembered for his full-length albums, but this particular piece is a notable and worthwhile exception. Being able to convey different tones and feelings over a gradual shift is no easy feat, and Posner does so in a way that is fluid and excellent. Whether it is embracing the tragedies that plague him or finally overcoming them, Posner has proven to hold his own emotional weight, as well as provide a story that most listeners can have an interest in. With more albums along the way, Posner has provided a powerful and exciting start to the new year, and his talent and ambition are more than present within this newest project.

Rating: 7/10



Jack Grossman is a junior majoring in telecommunications. To contact him, email jackdgrossman@gmail.com.