LGBTQA Student Centre Holds Pride March

posted April 6, 2019 in CommRadio, News by Brittany Krugel

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.- To celebrate Penn State’s pride month, the LGBTQA Student Center held a pride march on Friday.

The march began on the steps of Boucke Building, continued down Pollock Road, and concluded on Old Main Lawn. The pride march is one of several events that the center is holding to promote inclusivity and acceptance of the queer community on campus.

A.J. Bryant, a peer education intern at the LGBTQA Student Center, said the march promotes visibility for the queer community.

“I think a lot of it shows visibility at the end of the day,” Bryant said. “We’re all here. It’s not really like saying how we’re going to conform to society or we’re going to be put down because of the way that we identify.”

Pride month is usually held in June across most cities and countries. However, Penn State’s pride month is in April because it allows students a chance to celebrate who they are while they are still on campus.

Dylan Miller, the clothing transit intern at the LGBTQA Student Center, said it’s important for Penn State students to be able to celebrate pride month with the State College community. ‘

“It’s mostly just a way to get students active, to interact with them, and to have them have an experience that potentially if they are home over the summer and their family is not as accepting or they aren’t able to go to a pride march or anything like that, they can have that experience here,” Miller said.



Brittany Krugel is a freshman majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email