Penn State’s ‘Swaggy Jo’

Story/Video posted April 23, 2018 in Arts & Entertainment by Jordan Stobart.


Jovuann Warren, a Penn State junior majoring in earth sciences, has big dreams of becoming a musical superstar.

While balancing school and working at the Family Clothesline in Downtown State College, Warren finds that it is more important to run after your dreams rather than to sit around waiting for them to happen. While working at the clothesline, Warren pays for student sessions from the money he makes there. 

Sm92dWFubiBXYXJyZW4gcmVjb3JkcyBuZXcgbXVzaWMgaW4gdGhlIE11c2ljIElJIEJ1aWxkaW5nIGF0IFBlbm4gU3RhdGUgVW5pdmVyc2l0eSBvbiBBcHJpbCAzcmQsIDIwMTguJovuann Warren records new music in the Music II Building at Penn State University on April 3rd, 2018. Photo by Jordan Stobart

Warren performs as “Swaggy Jo” and mainly raps while also crossing over into other musical genres like R&B. He is originally from Brooklyn, New York. On Penn States’ campus in Music Building II is where he records his music. In his free time says he Warren likes writing, freestyling, playing video games, hanging with friends and talking to girls. 

When Warren first started recording in the White Building II in September of 2017 he admits to having major “studio anxiety.” Warren now believes to have found his sound and is more confident. “I flow better now because I know what I want to say. I am more sure of myself", he said. 

“Swaggy Jo” has one single out on Apple Music called 'Don’t Go' and two mixtapes on Soundlcoud. Warren finds the influence for his lyrics from his pain. Warren believes channeling your pain, and putting it towards something you're passionate about is the “key to life.” 

Warren hopes to achieve musical success in the next ten years with his music. He also says he wants to help change the world by becoming an activist. “When I make it big, it’s my job to give back to the city I’m from. I want to help people anyway I can.”

Check out Warren’s music out on Soundcloud under his name Swaggy Jo.

Video: About the Single 'Don't Go' 

Swaggy jo's new single 'Don't Go' is out on all streaming services.