An Other Worldly Experience

Video posted October 10, 2018 in Arts & Entertainment by Alexis Collins.


Walter Wells has been the choir director of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church for 43 years. When he was 7 years old, Wells was pushed towards music by an uncle who was a professional musician. One Friday night, Wells’ uncle brought some new records over and played them on the front porch. Wells said he was mesmerized by the beauty of the songs, which triggered his interest in music.

He took piano lessons, voice lessons, and sang in the boys and mens’ choir at the cathedral in Altoona, Pa. Wells has degrees in music, specializing in principal voice and took several conducting and composition classes. He also had some of his compositions published a few years ago.

He directs the adult and youth choirs, which perform all year round. Wells also chooses all the choral music for the 10 a.m. service on Sunday mornings, with 20-25 percent of the music being brand new.