A Musical Transition

Story posted March 14, 2016 in News by Michael Watson

At one point in Andrew Paglia’s life, he says that all he ever dreamed of was the chance to play in a rock and roll arena in front of thousands.

The dream began at a young age when his father handed him his old guitar.  It sparked a love for music, which made sense coming from a family background of musicians.  His father and uncles played bass and guitar. 

Once Paglia was handed that guitar it sparked a desire to learn.  He began taking lessons and as he mastered his craft while joining bands.  In high school he joined a band and played numerous concerts. 

At this point in Paglia’s life music was his first love.  He wanted to reach that next level towards the dream of fame.  Unfortunately, being the youngest in the band by the time he got accepted to Penn State his band had all but moved on. 

Once Paglia got to Penn State his perspective on life had started to change.  He understood that the dream he once had was a different era ago and like his favorite genre to jam to, he had to improvise.  He joined a fraternity and began to pay more attention to his studies.  He found a new passion and found a major in Toxicology where has new dreams.  He has also met his girlfriend and now Fiancée while attending college. 

Paglia has not forgotten his first love though.   He still takes out the guitar to jam with some of his fraternity brothers or just to play a little tune to his Fiancée.  He says he no stopped worrying about chasing fame and fortune when he found everything he wanted right in State College.